Vangelis Vlahos
Vangelis Vlahos

(Athene, Griekenland, 1971)

Woont en werkt in Athene. Recente solotentoonstellingen zijn onder andere Between Facts and Politics, Prometeogallery di Ida Pisani, Milaan; What history do they represent? (samen met Zbynek Baladran), Blow de la Barra gallery, Londen (beide in 2008); Direct Architecture, The Borgovico 33, Como; «1992», The Breeder gallery, Athene (beide in 2007); en in Display galerie, Prague; en (samen met Hito Steyerl) in Els Hanappe Underground gallery, Athene (beide in 2004). Hij heeft onder andere deelgenomen aan de volgende groepstentoonstellingen: “To the Arts, Citizens!”, Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art, Porto; Tanzimat, Augarten Contemporary, Wenen (beide 2010); 11th Istanbul Biennial (2009); After Architecture, Centre d’Art Santa Monica, Barcelona (2009); ISLANDS+GHETTOS, NGBK & Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlijn (2009); Monument to transformation, City Gallery Prague, Praag (2009); Selective Knowledge, ITYS, Institute for Contemporary Art and Thought, Athene (2008); “A Number of Worlds Resembling Our Own”, SMART Project Space, Amsterdam (2007); 27th Bienal de São Paulo (2006); Behind Closed Doors, Dundee Centre for Contemporary Arts, Dundee (2005); Manifesta 5, San Sebastian (2004); en de 3rd Berlin Biennale (2004).