Vera Gulikers
Vera Gulikers

Vera Gulikers (1991, NL) focuses on painting and sculpture by examining the medium of painting and its close relation to the painterly qualities of “female” conventions. She works with old painting techniques like egg-tempera and fresco, together with screen printing, couture fabrics, cleaning products, and techniques used in the interior industries.

She was a resident at the Van Eyck (2017-2019), holds a Master of Fine Art degree acquired from Sint Lucas University College of Fine Art and Design Antwerp (2016), and a Bachelor of Fine Art from Maastricht Academy of Fine Art and Design (2014). In 2017, she was awarded the Royal Prize for Modern Painting for her works Poets- and Testdoeken. In the period of 2019 - 2020 she will be a fellow at Schloss Balmoral in Germany.